Posts in Motherhood
Get Your Swim On At Goldfish Swim School

It's summertime, which means it's time to stay cool in the pool!! Recently, my daughter Adora took her first swim lessons at the new Goldfish Swim School here in Richmond, Virginia. It's not too late to put your children into swim lessons! Drowning is one of the leading causes of unintentional death; ranking 5th in the United States. Of people who die from drowning, about 1 in 5 are children younger than 14. Putting your children in swim lessons from the ages 1-4 reduces the risks of drowning. Goldfish Swim School offer swim lessons starting at 4 months - 12 years!

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Why The DivaCup Beats Tampons and Pads

Aunt Flow: "Hey, Girl! How's it going?!"
Me: "Ugh, it's that time again?"
Aunt Flow: "Yep, it's time to bring out those tampons!" 

Luckily, I've ditched the tampons and transitioned over to using a DivaCup over a year ago! It's the best decision I've ever made. If you follow me on Instagram, then you saw my Instastories about the DivaCup about a month or two ago where I talked briefly about it and why I love it! So I want to go into more detail and share the reason why I switched to the DivaCup! 

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My Daughter's Bedtime Routine

Let's be honest, getting a toddler ready for bed can be hectic! They don't know when to calm down. They might be ready to take a bath then all of a sudden get fussy. Some days they want to stay in the bathtub for hours, haha! Oh, and let's not forget the times after giving them a bath, they're squeaky clean and ready for bed. Then you get a whiff of poop. Yikes!! We all know how that goes!! Today, I want to share with you how I get my daughter ready for bed!

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2017 Review and My 2018 Goals

Happy New Years Eve!! It is that time again the year is coming to an end!! 2017 has gone by so fast!! In this post, I want to look back at all my accomplishments from 2017. I have to constantly give myself recognition to motivate myself. To remind me that these achievements are setting me on a path to achieve more personal goals in 2018. 

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Never Say, "Get Over It."

Today I am sharing Crystal Flowers' story with you all. Please take the time to read and share some encouraging words. Again, this month is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month.

"The whole morning of the 6th, the pain gradually grew until it became unbearable. I decided I would go and see my Doctor so I prepared to go. As I was about to get dressed, my water broke! Excitement kicked into overdrive and my Husband and I hopped into the car, calling all the relatives and friends to let them know that the Princess was on her way!"

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