Posts in Baby
Never Say, "Get Over It."

Today I am sharing Crystal Flowers' story with you all. Please take the time to read and share some encouraging words. Again, this month is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month.

"The whole morning of the 6th, the pain gradually grew until it became unbearable. I decided I would go and see my Doctor so I prepared to go. As I was about to get dressed, my water broke! Excitement kicked into overdrive and my Husband and I hopped into the car, calling all the relatives and friends to let them know that the Princess was on her way!"

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The Promise of the Rainbow

It is still National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month. Please check out my recent post to learn more about pregnancy and infant loss. Today, I am sharing Talysa McCall's story

"A rainbow baby is a baby born after a loss of a previous child. 

It is understood that the beauty of a rainbow does not negate the ravages of any storm. When a rainbow appears, it does not mean that the storm never happened or that we are not still dealing with its aftermath. It means that something beautiful and full of light has appeared in the midst of the darkness and clouds. Storm clouds may still hover, but the rainbow provides a counterbalance of color, energy, and hope." - Unknown

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National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month

This month I am sharing stories from women who have experienced a pregnancy or infant loss. In hopes that it can help someone who has recently been through this or someone who might experience it in the future. Not too many people know the chances of it happening to them or they don't know how to react when someone shares that they have had a miscarriage.

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Traveling With A One Year Old

Traveling with a child can be very hard especially if it's just you and the baby. I recently traveled 6 hours to and from South Carolina with my daughter. Usually, Adora doesn't do so well with long rides, so I was pretty scared about making this drive alone with her. Surprisingly, the trips went way better than what I expected! I guess it's because I mentally prepared myself for the ride, took my time, and made sure I had everything so that I didn't need to make any unnecessary stops. I decided to share five tips that will help to make traveling smoother for both you and your baby!

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One Year Old Building Memories With Family

When I was little I grew up around all my cousins! We always had a blast coming up with activities to do. Like making up choreography to hit songs like Bootylicious by Destiny's Child, trying to make brownies without all of the ingredients, or putting water on the kitchen floor so we could slip and slide. The latter wasn't so great because we would bust our butts on the floor. Haha. Let's just say I had a blast building memories with all my cousins and I want my daughter to do the same with her cousins!

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How To Prepare Your Pets For a Newborn

When it comes to bringing a newborn home everyone is overjoyed! Sometimes so excited that we may actually forget to prepare our first babies aka our fur babies for the new family member. Not preparing our pets before bringing a newborn home can lead to some serious problems. So I'm going to share how I prepared my pitbull for Adora's arrival months before bringing her home. 

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