10 Things To Do When You Don't Feel Like Doing Anything

Are we there yet?! No, seriously, Is 2020 over yet, are we at the end of this wild rollercoaster ride? The death of influential people and loved ones, Covid-19, being stuck in quarantine, murder hornets, protesting police brutality, wildfires, the election. This year has been so tough, especially if you’re black. Being an African American, the senseless killings of my brothers and sisters by the hands of racist police have taken a toll on me mentally. I wouldn’t say I like speaking on behalf of the black community, but I’m sure we can all agree that what’s been happening has us mentally drained and physically tired. Seeing a black person die by people we are supposed to call when we need help; weekly, if not daily, will do that to you.

The majority of us were already dealing with the loss of a hero, someone that inspired many. Then needing to be stuck in quarantine while black people are the main race being affected by Covid-19 is another thing. People have lost their jobs and their loved ones. The black community has been through it, and now we have to be strong and demand justice for a problem we didn’t even create. Why does racism even exist? Why do white people hate the color of our skin? I had a foreign friend that is white ask me, “why are white Americans so racist?” I replied, saying, “I don’t know.” I really don’t know. It is true that America’s racism is more prevalent but let’s not turn a blind eye to the racism around the world just because it’s not as blatant. With that said, I do know that I am tired; the black community is tired. Today I want to share 10 things to do when you don’t feel like doing anything for those of us who are just tired.

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10 Things To Do When You’re Drained

  1. Go Out and Get Fresh Air

    Going outside is great for when you don’t feel like doing anything. You can go for a walk or just sit on your porch. This reminds me of all the times my great grandmother would just sit out on the porch, I feel like this was her time to just reflect and meditate. This is one of my favorite things to do because it relaxes me, it calms my soul. Sitting in the sun also wakes me up, makes me feel better plus it’s a great source of Vitamin D.

  2. Do Yoga/Stretch

    Stretching is very important, and it’s a great way to start your day off. It doesn’t take a lot of work to stretch; you can spend a short time stretching and feel refreshed and energized. Yoga is excellent for the mind, the body, and the soul. Yoga improves your health, and it’s a form of meditation. You’ll be in a better mood after you do Yoga.

  3. Reread Your Favorite Book or Rewatch Your Favorite Movie/TV Show

    When you reread your favorite novel or rewatch your favorite movie/tv show, it can give you great vibes. It can make you happy rewatching/rereading your favorite characters. You also know what will happen, so you won’t experience any anxiety from not knowing how it’s going to end.

  4. Listen To Music
    Listening to music is the best way to lift your mood or to let your emotions flow. My favorite thing to do is make playlists for whatever type of mood I’m in. If I’m feeling a little down and needing to release those emotions, I will play my sad playlist(I don’t mind melancholy). If I’m feeling happy, then I will play my dance playlist. Usually, listening to music makes me feel better because it soothes my soul, letting me know everything will be alright.

  5. Meditate/Journal
    Meditating is another way to ease the soul, mind, and body. Letting your thoughts flow and listening to your body. Whenever I meditate or journal, I feel relieved of any negativity and stress. It’s like before I do this, my mind is too foggy, I can’t think clearly. When you don’t meditate or write out your thoughts, all your emotions can build up with nowhere to go causing a blockage and creating unnecessary stress. When your mind is in a dark place, it’s hard to do anything. If you’re not someone that meditates or journal, praying or just talking out loud to yourself works too.

  6. Hang Out With Family or Friends

    Sometimes all you need is to be around family and friends. Being around your loved ones can improve how you feel. Hang out with people that don’t soak up your energy and make you feel more drained. Spend time with the people who understand you. That will let you be there without talking or doing anything. Just being with someone doing absolutely nothing is enough.

  7. Do Puzzles/Play Games

    Puzzles and games are fun! They don’t take much energy to do. Head to your nearest store and buy a board game or puzzle to enjoy with someone. If you don’t have anyone to play games with, play a game on your phone or do a word puzzle!

  8. Create Art
    Creating art brings out the child within us. You’re never too old to draw, color, paint, sculpt, etc. When you have very little energy to do anything, then make art! Art, in general, doesn’t have to be perfect. Producing art is super fun and straightforward; anyone can do it.

  9. Dance
    We’ve all danced when no one is looking. When I need to lift my spirits, this is my favorite thing to do when I don’t feel like doing anything. After I dance, I feel like I can do anything. It’s fun, and it’s a workout. Sometimes, all you need is a quick workout to relieve stress, but not everyone likes to work out. However, I think dancing is fun for anybody. You don’t even have to move your whole body. Play some music, and let the beat move through your body.

  10. Sleep
    When you don’t feel like doing anything, it’s perfectly acceptable to rest. Sleeping rejuvenates our mind and body. Without some shut-eye, we wouldn’t be able to function correctly. When life is causing you stress, it can create insomnia. If this is the case, play some white noise or relaxing music like classical or jazz to help you fall asleep. That way, you can have enough energy to begin the next day.


A lot of the things on this list are self-care. Take care of your body, drink water, and try to eat healthy food. Take a hot shower or bubble bath, light some incense or candles, etc. Because if you take care of your body first then it will have a positive effect on your mindset. If you look or feel like crap, the majority of the time you won’t feel like doing anything. If it’s hard for you to do necessary tasks like brush your teeth or eat, perhaps it’s time to seek professional help.

As you can see, I haven’t blogged since late February. The fact that I haven’t blogged in a while shows how much I’ve been tired. Entangled together were my thoughts, and I’ve been slowly trying to untie the knot. There were days when I was sad; there were days when I was happy; there were days when I was stressed or angry. When I’m like that, I can’t write, so this post is a list of things I’ve been doing when I couldn’t bring myself to write. So, of course, it would be the first thing I write about after a break. Tiktok has been my go-to platform for much-needed giggles during this time, but social media can get me into not feeling like doing anything, so when I feel like that, it’s time to do a little social media detox and instead do the things on this list. 2020 isn’t over just yet, and who’s to say 2021 will be any better? Hopefully, it will, but until then, when you don’t feel like doing anything, refer to this list and still try to do something to improve your mood.