Posts in Women
Christmas Gifts For Her | Blogmas Day 1

It is that time of the year again! The time to spread joy and cheer! Haha. This year I decided to partake in Blogmas where I blog almost every day up until Christmas! This will be exciting and somewhat of a challenge for me because I've never blog almost everyday maybe once a week and that's it haha. Anyways, as you can tell by the title I want to share Christmas gift ideas for the female in your life, whether it's your girlfriend, mom, sister and etc! These gifts range in a variety of sizes and prices so they can be placed in a stocking or under the tree and you don't have to break your bank!

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Spa Gift Guide for this Mother's Day

Mother's Day is right around the corner! The day we celebrate the women who are the real superheroes because we can always depend on our moms or someone we look to as a mom! No matter how exhausted they are they always find the time and strength to meet our needs. So I have put together a great spa gift guide for the moms that need a day of relaxation. 

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Pros To Dating An Older Guy

Most people around my age would say, "eww!!," to dating an older man. I've always been attracted to older guys that were 2-4 years older than me. I've never seen myself being in a relationship with a man that is 15+ years older than me but hey, things happens. Honestly, faith happens. I'm always getting questions, asking for my advice on dating older men. But I've never shared the pros to dating one! Now throughout the post I stress that this is not the case for every older guy you’ll meet! I also stress that I’m not saying these are things that young guys lack. I’m just speaking from my experience, so please remember that while reading.

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